World News

S.Y. Quraishi on India’s democracy after the election that surprised everyone | The InnerView

India’s former Chief Election Commissioner tells Imran Garda that the recent general election has shown that Narendra Modi’s ruling BJP has failed to polarise India along religious lines. He says despite the economic successes of the Modi government, the BJP’s ultra-nationalist sentiments were rebuffed by voters, losing their majority and possibly signaling a new path for the nation.

Quraishi, a Muslim, has written books critical of Modi’s policies towards minorities, particularly the country’s Muslim population.

He served as India’s 17th Chief Election Commissioner under former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and believes India now faces a choice between ultra-nationalism or a return to its more inclusive roots as envisioned by the nation’s founding fathers.

00:00 The 2024 general elections in India
01:02 Meet S.Y. Quraishi
01:58 India’s experiment with democracy
03:00 The BJP’s failure to win a majority
04:20 On the Election Commission’s failure to address issues in the midst of the elections
06:18 Comparing the Election Commission then and now
08:40 On political pressure, the media and hate speech
10:27 The mango tweet
12:55 “India is secular because Hindus are secular!”
15:32 Economic success vs. ultra-nationalism
18:17 Is the election a catalyst for change for Modi?
19:48 Will the coalition government slow down India’s development?
22:09 Kashmir and relations with Pakistan


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