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DNC 2024 Day 4 – Kamala Harris full acceptance speech | DW News

Thousands of delegates are set to attend the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago despite already endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in a virtual roll call.

The organizers expect to host over 5,000 Democratic delegates, high-profile guests and party officials from various parts of the US. The convention will also have 12,000 volunteers, some 50,000 visitors and thousands of reporters covering the event.

The Democratic Party has yet to release a full list of speakers, but reports indicate that current President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be giving speeches. Kamala Harris is set to give an address on the last day of the party conference.

The conference will be held at two main locations. The United Center will host official proceedings, speeches and high-profile televised events. McCormick Place will be the site of daytime party meetings, consultations and briefings.

00:00:00 DNC Day 4
3:41:30 Kamala Harris acceptance speech

#dnc #democraticnationalconvention #dnc2024


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