World News

How DARE the Dems do this to America. How dare Kamala!

Much more below this first clip

– 13,099 M*rder*rs – 15,811 R*pists – 425,431 Convicted Criminals All let into our country by border czar Kamala. This is treason.



This was the intention all along. They no longer control the black vote, so they are bringing in illegals from multiple countries to replace them! They don’t care what these people do. They just want a new citizen base to vote for democrats. TREASON

The Border Patrol Union (NBPC) has been lambasting Kamala for her border stunt Friday where she spent 20 minutes for a photo op trying to make everyone forget that over the past 3 1/2 years she let in 20 million illegals

Kamala Harris was Sworn In As VP on Jan. 20, 2021. More than 21 Million Illegals have entered through our open borders under Border Czar Kamala Kamala waiting until month before the election to go to the border, she really thinks voters are stupid

Nancy Mace calls out the Democrat party for not voting for her bill to ‘Deport Migrants [Illegals] Convicted of Sex Crimes’ “Why would anyone vote to keep sex crime convicts in our country?” Nancy Mace: “158 Democrats voted against deporting illegal aliens who rape, who are pedophiles, and who murder American women and children. To me it’s unfathomable that you would put illegal immigrants over American women and kids. When you talk about women’s issues, when you talk about the party who’s going to stand up and protect American women, that is the Republican party.” Democrats cannot ‘protect women’ because they have no masculinity in their party. Nancy Mace’s bill was genius, and more Republicans need to follow her suit: Force Democrats to vote on their crazy ideas, displaying their lunacy to the public.

Trump: Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way! BAM



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WATCH: Pelosi Snaps at CNN When Kamala’s Competency Is Questioned – American Tribune

Reasons Jews and Christians must examine Trump v. Harris – AFP

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Did you know: The first recorded use of biological warfare occurred in 1347, when Mongol forces catapulted plague-infested corpses over the city walls of Caffa to infect their enemies.

Social Media Blows Up General McChrystal Endorsing Kamala Harris – Armed Forces Press


Speaker Johnson: The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times. Kamala’s border trip is a sad and desperate attempt to convince the American people she actually cares about protecting our homeland. It won’t work. – Twitter

‘Aphrodisiac’: A Poem by Joseph S. Salemi – Society of Classical Poets

OK how many drinks did she have before she came out to say this? – Clip at Twitter – you know she is drunk 30% of the time…

James Woods ‘God willing.’ – Amen – Twitter

TREASON: Minneapolis swears in its first ever female Somali, non-citizen as a police officer.  You can be arrested by an illegal now in this Democrat city. – Clip

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