World News

Tulsi Gabbard reveals how the White house threatened her

WATCH: Tulsi Gabbard reveals that when she opposed Barack Obama’s request to start bombing more countries in the Middle East, the White House immediately called to threaten her “I announced that I would be opposing President Obama’s request to go and start another war. And in less than 24 hours, I got a call from the White House. How dare you stand against your president? How dare you stand against, as a freshman Democrat, your president, who is from your home state of Hawaii. They didn’t care about the substance.” Now you see why the DOJ is going after Eric Adams. Democrats panic every time someone in their “circle” breaks rank.

  • Democrats are authoritarian tyrants. If you express an opposing thought you will be destroyed. – Ron of Ockham
  • Their whole existence is a house of cards. They know that if one pulls out the rest are on shaky grounds. This is exactly why socialism doesn’t work. At some point people have to be held in line by force and the pendulum bob swings to communism and Tyranny. THE PENDULUM THEORY – see Tweet for more

Russell Brand: “I never would have considered myself a person that would have even conceived of voting for a Republican of any variety.” “We’re now beyond partisanship. When Tulsi Gabbard and Bobby Kennedy joined the MAGA movement, it became clear to me that what we’re dealing with is beyond the typical political taxonomies.” “I never thought that we would reach a point where I’d find myself saying, in this election something has to be done to disrupt what’s happening.” “I’ve awoken from the idea that people that talk about protecting the vulnerable have any concern other than the maintenance and exertion of further power.”

RFK Jr. at Michigan Trump rally: Hillary Clinton calling Tulsi Gabbard a ‘Russian asset’ made me realize that I was also being lied to about MAGA “I began to have doubts about what I was being told about MAGA.” “Tulsi Gabbard put her life on the line again and again for this country in military service, something that Hillary Clinton never did. I asked Donald Trump about what era we were gonna Make America Great Again, and he said: ‘The era of your uncle, John F. Kennedy.’”


Checkmate: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA

Nine Lives: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA

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Boise State women’s volleyball forfeits match against team with BIO-MALE player – Trending Views

WATCH: Pelosi Snaps at CNN When Kamala’s Competency Is Questioned – American Tribune

Reasons Jews and Christians must examine Trump v. Harris – AFP

11-year-old boy sacrificed in black magic ritual for the ‘success and glory’ of Indian school – New York Post

Harvest Time🔥Another Massive Attack With Kinzhals💥Toretsk Is Collapsing⚔️Military Summary 2024.09.27 – Whatfinger Military Vid

Did you know: The first recorded use of biological warfare occurred in 1347, when Mongol forces catapulted plague-infested corpses over the city walls of Caffa to infect their enemies.

Social Media Blows Up General McChrystal Endorsing Kamala Harris – Armed Forces Press


Speaker Johnson: The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times. Kamala’s border trip is a sad and desperate attempt to convince the American people she actually cares about protecting our homeland. It won’t work. – Twitter

‘Aphrodisiac’: A Poem by Joseph S. Salemi – Society of Classical Poets

OK how many drinks did she have before she came out to say this? – Clip at Twitter – you know she is drunk 30% of the time…

James Woods ‘God willing.’ – Amen – Twitter

TREASON: Minneapolis swears in its first ever female Somali, non-citizen as a police officer.  You can be arrested by an illegal now in this Democrat city. – Clip

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