The #UnitedStates and #China will face a new test in their increasingly troubled relations when top officials from both countries meet in #Alaska. Ties between the world’s two largest economies have been torn...
Pence says Democrats’ vow to give illegal migrants vote could be abused
Amid a record influx of migrants on the US’ southern borders, house Democrats are seeking to pass a new bill that would allow illegal migrants to vote in certain states – and some say this bill violates the US...
US-China relations: Blinken to meet Chinese counterpart for first time
#China’s foreign ministry said on Thursday it would not make concessions to the #US on key issues including #Xinjiang and #HongKong, ahead of high-level meetings between the two countries’ diplomats in...
Everyday Sexism: Author Laura Bates talks about the rise in radical misogyny
Police and politicians are taking a closer look at sexism, misogyny and harrassment as a more serious offences in the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard.
Reduced UK vaccine supply due to issues abroad
The Housing Minister Robert Jenrick has told Sky News a reduced vaccine supply is due to problems with “a very complex” international supply chain.