Released more than 50 years ago, “The Battle of Algiers” remains a cinematic masterpiece. Once a template for freedom movements around the world, the film has also been studied closely by security forces and occupying...
Senegalese fishermen team up to protect endangered sea turtles
Senegalese fishermen have joined forces to protect a species of endangered sea turtles in a case of “poacher turns protector”,
Breaking new ground | Baltimore protesters topple Columbus statue
Yet another statue of Christopher Columbus was pulled down by protesters, this time in Baltimore. Landing on its head, it broke into several pieces, prompting the crowd to cheer.
Coronavirus update: The latest news from around the world | DW News
00:00 Authorities in the Australian city of Melbourne have reimposed strict lockdown measures in some areas in an attempt to contain a second wave of coronavirus infections. Residents of nine inner-city public housing...
Australian state hit by second wave of virus
In Australia, fears of a second wave of coronavirus appear to have materialised, with 127 new cases recorded in the southern state of Victoria. FRANCE 24 correspondent Richelle Harrison Plesse says it’s the...
Body positivity movement: ‘Why is my body not important?’ – BBC News
The body positivity movement has taken over social media and forced the diet industry to reinvent itself. Its mainstream success has lead to more diversity in the beauty and fashion industries, but not all feel included...
Why extremist militias are on the rise in the West African Sahel | DW News
The West Sahel is becoming Africa’s hotbed of terrorism. The Sahel is dry, hot and vast, so it’s difficult to govern. That provides room for criminals who’ve trafficked people, weapons and drugs for...