Young father Tommy Larkins retells the “terrifying experience” of having his wife and unborn child rushed to hospital at Christmas with coronavirus.
COVID-19 data stirs uncertainty on lockdown effectiveness
Imperial College stats stir uncertainty as the data they use to update cases and deaths is outdated by the time they are announced.
-57°C | Siberian firefighters use hammers to remove frozen uniforms
A team of firefighters in Yakutia were forced to batter their colleagues with hammers and axes to remove their frozen uniforms after tackling a blaze in icy temperatures.
A Winter Wonderland | Stunning views of snow covered ‘Krasnodar’ park in Russia’s south
Drone footage reveals stunning views of ‘Krasnodar’ park in Russia’s southern region. Snowfall has transformed the park into a icy wonderland with bright lights lining the massive 23-hectare park...
The Biden inauguration | ‘Things my brain thought’
Were there a few bits during the inauguration ceremony for Joe Biden that were just a little bit strange?
France’s rural noises and smells now protected after rows with secondary-home residents over rooster
France’s Senate approved a law aiming at protecting the “sensory heritage of life in the countryside”. This comes after a series of high-profile judiciary rows between villagers and visitors with second homes who...