The Netflix series “Unorthodox” tells the story of a young woman living in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in New York, who escapes to make a fresh start in Berlin. But in a case of life imitating art...
Coronavirus: Is England’s three-tier system working? – BBC Newsnight
The UK government has brought some areas into the highest alert level early as a result of recent “exponential” rises in coronavirus cases across parts of England.England’s three-tier system was...
Recycling fashion: The town turning waste into clothes- BBC News
Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world. But a small town in Italy called Prato has built its fortune on transforming old scraps into new clothes, particularly knitwear and wool. Could Prato...
Germany reports more than 950 daily COVID deaths | Coronavirus Update
Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a record 952 deaths in Germany on Wednesday, the country’s highest daily death toll since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The previous record, set less...
EU unveils new bill to curb power of tech giants | DW News
The European Union unveiled landmark legislation on Tuesday that lays out strict rules for tech giants to do business in the bloc. The draft legislation, dubbed the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act...
Nantes clashes | Anti-security bill protesters hit by water cannons and tear gas
Police fire water cannons and tear gas at groups of protesters during another anti-security bill protest in Nantes as clashes break out
Protesting entrepreneurs clash with police in Kiev
A large rally against coronavirus restrictions, organized by #Ukraine‘s entrepreneurs and small businessmen in the country’s capital Kiev, grew out of control on Tuesday, with clashes erupting between police and...