Abdel Fattah Al Sisi reportedly telling PA President Mahmoud Abbas that he intends to broker peace talks.
Museum in Israel to hold a coronavirus exhibition – Anat Martkowitz
Haifa #museum opens exhibit featuring art inspired by #COVID pandemic Anat Martkowitz | Haifa Museum Curator
Digital Christmas
The lighting of the #Christmas tree in #Bethlehem, normally attended by thousands, was held on Saturday. And because of obvious #COVID restrictions, only a few dozen were present.
“Beginning of end” for pandemic as vaccine arrives in UK – BBC News
The Medical Director of NHS England has said the mass vaccination programme for Covid-19 marks “the beginning of the end” of the pandemic. However Professor Stephen Powis warned that it would take many months to...
Protest against farm bill outside Indian embassy in London
Demonstrators rally in front of the Indian embassy in solidarity with the ongoing protests by Kisaan farmers in India. They have been protesting against a new law, passed in September, which enables growers to legally...
5.3 magnitude earthquake felt in northern Israel
An #earthquake was felt in northern Israel over the weekend. It’s epicenter near the Turkish city of #Alanya.
Private info leaked after Israeli insurance firm refuses to pay hackers
An Israeli insurance company facing a major cyber #ransom attack say they “will not give into this kind of terrorism.”